Soft and Cozy Leg Warmers Knitting Pattern

Leg Warmers Knitting Pattern

I have been wanting to make a pair of leg warmers for my daughter for so long, and I’m happy to say that they are finally complete!  She loves to dance and I wanted to make some cozy super soft leg warmers to keep her ankles nice and toasty.  I’m so happy with the result, and I hope you like them too because I posted the pattern for free!

Leg Warmers Knitting Pattern

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Leg Warmers Knitting Pattern

Here is what you will need to make these soft and cozy leg warmers:

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4 Stitches, 5.5 Rows = 1″ in stockinette stitch


4″ Wide X 14″ Long


K: Knit

P: Purl

YO: Yarn Over

K2TogTBL: Knit Two Together Through the Back Loop

K2Tog: Knit Two Together

YFRN: Yarn Forward Around Needle


Cast on 50 Stitches.

Row 1 (right side): K2, *P2, K2; repeat from * to end of row.

Row 2: P2, *K2, P2; repeat from * to end of row.

Repeat rows 1 and 2 three more times (total of 8 rows) to create ribbing.

Row 9: K2, *P1, YO, K2TogTBL, P1, K2; repeat from * to end of row.

Row 10: P2, *K1, P2; repeat from * to end of row.

Row 11: K2, *P1, K2Tog, YFRN, P1, K2; repeat from * to end of row.

Row 12: P2, *K1, P2; repeat from * to end of row.

Repeat rows 9 through 12 until your work measures approximately 12 inches.

Finish off the leg warmers the way you started by repeating rows 1 and 2 four times to make 8 rows of 2X2 Ribbing.

Cast off.

Repeat the above steps for the second leg warmer.


Fold and sew up the back seam.

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36 Responses

    1. I found this pattern several months
      Ago. I have made 5 already for grandkids. They absolutely adore them. I really loved the pattern stitch. Was so easy once l got going
      On it. I have had. About 25 pins on it. Hope all enjoy making them as much as I have. Regards Carol

  1. I love them. Im working on mine now. I have changed the pattern to be worked on a circular needle as i dont like to seam. I hope to finish them today. Im going to make wrist warmers and a scarf as well. These are going to help so much with an auto immune problem i have with changes in temperature. Thank you so very much for sharing the pattern.

    1. Hello Dee … will you share your adapted pattern for circular needles? These will be great for my 8-year old granddaughter who loves going “seamless”.

    2. Hi Dee,

      Would you mind sharing your re-written pattern for using circular needles? I hate seaming, too, and would love to make these for my daughters to wear this winter to ballet class.

      Many thanks,

    3. Hello Dee, would you be able to post the pattern for the wrist warmers and scarf? I am making these for my 11yr old daughter and I now they would love the whole set!

    1. Sorry that was a typo, thanks for pointing it out! I will update the pattern.
      4 Stitches and 5.5 Rows = 1 Inch in stockinette stitch.

  2. I’m pretty new to knitting and have a couple questions about this pattern. I wanted to make them twice as wide to fit around my calves, so would I cast on 100 stitches or 102 stitches to make up for the ribbing? I cast on 100 to experiment and I have to begin each row with knitting in order to get the correct result.
    Also, when doing a yarn over around needle (YFRN), does that include a purl stitch or not? I can’t seem to figure it out. Thank you in advance for your help!

  3. If you at any time have this pattern using DP needles, I would also love to have it, as well as wrist warmers. Can’t wait to try these; they look lovely!

  4. I just finished making a pair of these for my granddaughter. I used smaller needles, modified the length and converted to ‘in the round’.

    (Unfortunately, even if you use the US10 needles, you cannot use circular, must be DPs).


    CO 48 sts.
    I made 10 rows of K1, P1 rib (although I find it easier to P1, K1 on DPs)

    Row 1: *P1, YO, K2TogTBL, P, K2; repeat from * to end of row
    Row 2: *P1, K2; repeat from * to end of row
    Row 3: *P1, K2Tog, YFRN, P1, K2; repeat from * to end of row.
    Row 4: *P1, K2; repeat from * to end of row

    repeat pattern rows until your work (from beginning of rib measures 2″ shorter than your ankle to knee measurement)

    10 rows of K1, P1 rib

    Cast/Bind off

    Hope this helps all of you who have been asking for ‘in the round’.

    1. Forgive me. It’s a K2, P2 (or P2, K2) rib. My mistake, but I can’t figure out how to edit my original comment.

  5. Love these! Made them on a size 8 needle to achieve a slightly tighter knit. Seamed them with mattress stitch. Will definitely be making more as gifts!

  6. You have inspired me to knit something other than toques, hats and blankets with this pattern. I love knitting cables and anything lacy and you delivered your pattern just in time for me to make a change in my knitting repertoire. My youngest neice’s daughter is a dancer and I have just finished the leg warmers in a beautiful mint coloured yarn I had in my stash. She will love these.
    Thank you so much for the pattern.

    1. You’re so welcome Mara! I’m glad to hear that! Its easy to stick with what we know, but so rewarding to try something new 🙂

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