
Hello Friends!


Welcome!  My name is Alnaar, and I’m the designer behind Leelee Knits. I personally design, photograph, write up, and share each of the knitting and crochet patterns that you’ll find on this site.  If you’d like to know more about myself and this website, click the button below!

November 4, 2015

Manly Cowl Crochet Pattern

I’ve noticed a shortage of crochet cowl patterns for men.  I’m not sure why, but I would think that men and boys also need to keep their necks warm in the winter time!  That is why I came up with my own free cowl pattern with a stitch that I think is pretty manly.  I

October 21, 2015

Free Knit Cowl Pattern – Checkerboard Stitch

I’m sorry its been a while since I’ve posted a new pattern.  As you may know I run a small photography business and October is insanely busy!  Not that I’m complaining, its awesome to have work.  After years of struggling I’m finally finding that I have a constant steady stream of incoming sessions.  So for

October 1, 2015

Bobbles and Stripes Crochet Baby Blanket Pattern

As you create this cozy, striped blanket, you'll not only enjoy the process but also end up with a beautiful heirloom gift that any baby would be lucky to snuggle into. Ideal for beginners and seasoned crocheters alike, this pattern combines simplicity with the joy of making, resulting in a keepsake that's as fun to make as it is...

September 3, 2015

Free Baby Blanket Crochet Pattern

I don’t know about you, but it seems like babies are popping out left, right and centre in my life!  My sister in law and best friend are both due this winter so my mind has been on baby blankets.  A handmade baby blanket is the perfect gift for parents to be, which is why I created